Choose the correct answer: Desk Clerk: Can I help you? Ibrahim: Yes, please. I have a reservation. My name's Ibrahim Ghazali. Desk clerk: Are you here for the conference?
Ibrahim: No, I'm here on vacation with my family. The clerk asked for the of Mr. Ghazali's visit:
لكل الباحثين عن حل السؤال يسعدنا ان نضع لكم تفاصيل ومعلومات اكثر حول سؤالكم هذا Choose the correct answer: Desk Clerk: Can I help you? Ibrahim: Yes, please. I have a reservation. My name's Ibrahim Ghazali. Desk clerk: Are you here for the conference?
Ibrahim: No, I'm here on vacation with my family. The clerk asked for the ..... of Mr. Ghazali's visit لسنوات ونحن في أجبني حريصين في جعل الانترنت اكثر اثراء بتخصص موقعنا للحلول والاجابات التعليمية اول باول وتخصصنا المناهج السعودية ولذلك نسعد بتقديما لاجابات سوية .
Choose the correct answer: Desk Clerk: Can I help you? Ibrahim: Yes, please. I have a reservation. My name's Ibrahim Ghazali. Desk clerk: Are you here for the conference?
Ibrahim: No, I'm here on vacation with my family. The clerk asked for the ..... of Mr. Ghazali's visit.
وموقع أجبني هو موقع تشاركي يمكن للجميع ان يساهموا في وضع اسئلتهم والاجابة عن الآخرين بسهولة من خلال موقعنا
Choose the correct answer: Desk Clerk: Can I help you? Ibrahim: Yes, please. I have a reservation. My name's Ibrahim Ghazali. Desk clerk: Are you here for the conference?
Ibrahim: No, I'm here on vacation with my family. The clerk asked for؟ ؟ the ..... of Mr. Ghazali's visit
الاجابة هي
. purpose